
“So, do you feel married yet?”

I’m writing this from the airport on my way to my honeymoon, two days after my wedding. In the past 40 or so hours, the question that keeps coming up, from both others and myself, is this: “Do you feel married?”

One of the very first things that I said to my husband after the ceremony was that I didn’t feel any different. His response: “Did you expect to?”

Well… I kind of did.

It’s like when you have a birthday as a kid. You don’t feel any different than you did the day before, although you get to tell people you’re a year older. I already felt an enormous amount of love an commitment toward my now-husband before our wedding day. That was why we got married—it didn’t start because we get married.

Still, somewhere in between the birthdays, you start to mature, to take on more responsibility, and little things remind you of that from time to time. I expect many of those little moments, as well as some big ones, will occur throughout my marriage. In fact, I’ve already started to notice them.

So if you were to ask me now if I feel married, I suppose I would say…I do.

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